
Just as the Town of Lexington’s growth has brought with it the challenge of traffic congestion, Lexington’s revitalization and growth, too, has unquestionably placed a strain on parking capacity and availability in the Town – particularly in the Main Street district.

While our downtown area offers a great deal of shopping and entertainment opportunities, there is no denying that the limited availability of parking provides a reason for one to forgo visiting our downtown area. Currently, and especially as the town continues to grow, this issue poses a major threat to the sustainability and longevity of our downtown district.

In recent years, Town Council has invested heavily in enhancing the entertainment options and beautification of the downtown district, and they’ve done a great job. That said, however, investment in parking infrastructure to support these venues has been widely overlooked. Gavin believes that this is a critical issue that the Town Council must solve in the immediate future, and believes all avenues must be pursued to deliver solutions quickly.

Opportunities to address the parking issue include the establishment of public-private partnerships with businesses and entities within the Town who maintain additional parking availability. Gavin also believes that the Town should leverage their relationship with local stakeholders and other government entities to identify opportunities to construct more sustainable and long-term parking solutions, such as a multi-level parking garage. This will be a top priority for Gavin on his first day in office.